Founders and Senior Leaders
Rob truly carries the heart of the Father in his capacity as Founder and Senior Leader of
Lamplighter Revival Center. His passion is that everyone experiences the very intimate presence of God and His love in a constant, consistent, and increasing way. Personal Revival begins here so that Corporate Revival can dispatch the fire and transform cultures.
When not ministering at Lamplighter, he has the privilege of representing Jesus in the San Diego Region, the State of California, and in Nations where Holy Spirit highlights to share The Father’s Love and advance His Kingdom. Rob likes to release three declarations from his heart.
- To God be all the Glory!!
- I choose to believe the truth of the Holy Spirit and not the lies of the enemy!!!
- God is up to something big!!!!!
Barbara is a woman after God’s own heart in her lifestyle, her passion, and her love for Christ and others. She ministers the love of the Father to others with words of knowledge and prophetic insight. Praying for those who are hurting, and for those who are hungry for God, has become not only a privilege, but an honor and a blessing in her life.
Barb is involved in day to day decisions at Lamplighter while continuing a marketplace career and ministry of 19 years. She is instrumental in the growth of God’s Kingdom in this house!